Antonia de los Santos, Toñi, as her friends know her, has an important career as a bailaora behind her back. That curriculum and her desire to teach her art led her to open her own academy, which she named after her, 25 years ago now. “It was on Calle San José in 1992 and we have continued here since then, although it seems like yesterday, because the illusion and desire have not changed since then.” There are several generations of dancers who have passed through the tables of his academy. And it is that, twenty-five years go a long way, even to lose count of the people he has taught. “That data is very difficult, although I can say that now that I am taking my daughter to school, I coincide with the mothers of her classmates who were students of mine.”
Perhaps the fruit of time, which is important, but above all, of his hard work, he currently enjoys a lot of popularity in the locality and outside of it and of a popularity gained with the heel on the stage. “The key is work, rehearsal, every day, regardless of weekends or holidays, you have to keep working because you can always improve.”