Las ciudades del Futuro








Un informe elaborado por PricewaterhouseCooppers, a partir de la opinión de 44 alcaldes y gestores d e ciudades de todo el mundo, incluidas 4 españolas, refleja que la reputación, el entorno, la tecnología y la financiación, son los principales desafíos de las ciudades del futuro.Como valores y herramientas primordiales para crear la Ciudad del Futuro, están la reputación e imagen de marca, el cuidado del entorno, la aplicación de las últimas tecnologías, eficiencia en la gestión de los presupuestos y, finalmente, propiciar la participación y colaboración con los ciudadanos.

Con todos estos datos, se ha organizado el «First International City Marketing Summit«, un encuentro para mostrar las mejores prácticas de marketing en las ciudades.

Entre los ponentes de este fantástico evento nos encontramos con:

Ms. Anne Murray

Economic Development Corporation from New York City Hall (NYCEDC).

«NYCEDC‘s mission is very wide: encouraging and promoting economic growth in New York City, helping to international companies to invest and expand in this city, and finally, the corporation will contribute to distribution efficiencies within the region».

Mr. Ignacio Niño

Deputy Councillor of the Economic Area from Madrid City Hall.

«Madrid is evolving to fight in a new international league: those of the global capitals. To achieve this ambitious objective a powerful and effective internationalization process has been implemented including a new brand and innovative actions in coordination with both other cities and private sector».

Mr. Antonio López de Ávila

Corporate Development Manager Tourism and Leisure from Instituto de Empresa.

«Trade Shows and Exhibitions aren’t only a thriving business but also an efficient marketing tool. Both strenghthen, in a very significant way, the position of the city at international level».

Mr. Pekka Sauri

Deputy Mayor from Helsinki City Hall.

«Helsinki is known as one of the most innovate cities in the world, mastering the management of the so-called creative economy».

Mr. Nicolás de Santis

Chairman from Twelve Stars.

«The strategies oriented to city economic development must be communicated and integrated into the global strategy of the city promotion. This must be done in two directions: to the citizens, to develop the feeling of ownership, and to the external environment, to reinforce the position of the town».

Mr. Tom Rice

Head of Brand from Glasgow City Marketing Bureau.

«Glasgow is one of the first European cities to use a TV Channel for the promotion of the city».

Mr. Ignacio Fernández

Managing Director from Promoción Madrid.

«The Madrid Promotion Public Company manages «», the website for the promotion of Madrid. This autumn will start the broadcasting of ¡es Madrid!, a new television of Madrid».

Mr. Greg Clark

Advisor to the OECD on City and Regional Development, and CEO of Cities and Regions.

«Greg Clark helps cities, regions and their partners to deliver effective strategies based on his experience of working in london for 15 years in leadership position within city agencies».

Mr. Gildo Seisdedos

Director and Urban Management Forum from Instituto de Empresa.

«We are witnessing a convergence in the administrative bodies for the urban economic policies: officers in charge of city promotion are broading their scope by adding the investor target audiences, on the other hand, the brand-new urban EDB struggle to take advantaje of these tools to achieve their goals efficiently. This First International City Marketing Summit tackles this new and pivotal dimension of the cities as engines of their own economic development».